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What Are Air Plants?

Air Plants or "Tillandsia" are a testament to the wonders of nature, having naturally evolved to grow without soil.

They've been nicknamed Air Plants as they seemingly grow on nothing but air itself. This is a common misconception as Air Plants do need water, just like other plants!

There are hundreds of different species all sharing the same unique gift - the ability to absorb water and nutrients through their leaves instead of the usual root system.

What makes them the perfect gift?

Not only do they absorb nutrients through their leaves, but they also take in harmful toxins from paints, plastics and cleaning products found in our homes — which we breathe in every day. They take in the bad and release harmless by-products instead.

Described as virtually indestructible and only needing a once a week soaking. They'll live for years and grow old with you. It's not uncommon to pass them from

generation to generation. 

Tropical by nature, one day healthy and happy plants will bloom exotic and colourful flowers that can last for months and afterwards continue the cycle of life by producing

up to 12 pups.

But the best part...

When incorporated into handmade, natural and seamless design they make the perfect gift to send to someone you love. Why?

It fosters deep connection since

every time they water their gift,

they think of you.

That's pretty hard to beat.

Want to learn more about

Air Plants?

Our Air Plant Handbook gives you the tools to become an 

Air Plant Expert.

What Are Air Plants?

Air Plants are a testament to the wonders of nature, having naturally evolved to grow without soil.

There are hundreds of different species all sharing the same unique gift - the ability to absorb water and

nutrients through their leaves instead of the root system other plants use.

What makes them the perfect gift?

Not only do they absorb nutrients through their leaves, but they also take in harmful toxins from paints, plastics and cleaning products found in our homes — which we breathe in every day. They take in the bad and release harmless by-products instead.

Described as virtually indestructible and only needing a once a week soaking. They'll live for years and grow old with you. It's not uncommon to pass them from generation to generation. 

Tropical by nature, one day healthy and happy plants will bloom exotic and colourful flowers that can last for months and afterwards continue the cycle of life by producing up to 12 pups.

But the best part...

When incorporated into handmade, natural and seamless design they make the perfect gift to send to someone you love. Why?

It fosters deep connection since every time they water their gift, they think of you.

That's pretty hard to beat.

Want to learn more about

Air Plants?

Our Air Plant Handbook gives you the tools to become an Air Plant Expert.

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